Final Fentasy February 07, 2009
With the release of the Clan Lord development tools, Sticktendo is proud to announce this bold re-imagining of the world of Shan Deral. Featuring a host of popular Clan Lord characters and also Hoggle, Final Fentasy is guaranteed to delight! Witness great moments in Puddleby history: * Daimoth's arrival in …

StickLord Interview: Largo October 08, 2008
A word from perrennial Fen-Presidential candidate Largo, of the Largocratic party. Both SNN and its parent company StickLord Media Interplanar are apolitical corporate organizations that neither endorse nor support any candidate for any political office. That said, what can we do to beat this joker? …

The Legend of Sylva August 29, 2008
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Zynx's legendary conquest of Albania, Sticktendo and SL Games present The Legend of Sylva, an edugaming adventure through the life and times of Puddleby's most compelling hero. The Legend of Sylva covers all of Zynx's most fascinating adventures in thrilling 6-bit graphics. Watch …

Clanime - Happy Time Ranger Super Lasty Show June 08, 2008
A special message from StickLord mastermind Hoggle: This is a short I did entirely in the free animation application Pencil with compositing done in Shake. It is basically having fun with the anime genre with a huge nod to Inuyasha. The characters are players in the MMORPG Clan Lord (Check …

Clanime - Teaser Trailer April 29, 2008
This teaser trailer was originally slated to roll attached to cinema masterpiece Gone With the Wind. Then we realized we were like, seventy years late, so we put it on YouTube. …

Purple Haze: The Movie March 30, 2008
If you want to buy some drugs, apparently Hoggle has more than he needs. If you recognize everyone in the movie... well, that's actually pretty impressive. Join The Puddleby Library group on Facebook if there's anyone you can't figure out. …

Anime Jeepers: After Hours February 18, 2008
I have it on good authority that this actually what Jeepers looks like in real life. …

StickLord Interview: Wangah Rah January 11, 2008
On the occasion of his re-promotion, Puddleby's pre-eminent evil Mystic sat down with StickLord to talk about his life; where he's been, where he's going, and who he's going to destroy on his way to getting there. …

StickLord Interview: Michael January 07, 2008
The uninformed masses listen to this clip and think it's from Full Metal Jacket. But the true StickLord aficionado knows better; this is actually a recording of Michael's answering machine, which will at some point in the future be sent back in time to become the basis of that movie. …

Li'l Noivad July 23, 2007
Puddleby's Sheriff has finite and well-defined tolerance for gang activity. …

SNN: Phroon Thoom Reporting May 07, 2007
This landmark episode introduced T'rool Ambassador Gaak, found one of the most popular StickLord characters ever in an informal poll of the person writing this summary. Fans have called him StickLord's Boba Fett, alluding to a character in the cult-classic StickLord parody 'Star Wars' that went on to be far …

The More You Zo: A Planar Warning February 14, 2007
Throughout the mid-540s the StickLord News Network produced a series of public-service announcements under the tag line 'The More You Zo' featuring Zo celebrities from its various properties. Though that timeline has since been extensively altered following a severe temporal incident involving a stuffed tiger and an un-pressed button, this …

Episode 3: Revenge of the Slyph October 30, 2006
The third and final installment in the classic StickLord trilogy, Revenge of the Slyph (released internationally as Zynx's Day Out) was written and filmed by StickLord newcomes the Wachowski brothers. It was released simultaneously in sixty countries on October 30, 2006, and was the second live-action film to be …

Episode 2: Attack of the Orga September 30, 2006
Following a difficult production, Attack of the Orga was released on September 30, 2006, and received mixed reviews from critics, though it has since grown in esteem to become one of the most well-regarded chapters of the saga and one of the most highly rated films in history. Though it …

Episode 1: Tanks 4 U September 08, 2006
The critically-acclaimed animated classic that started it all. Originally released as simply 'Tanks 4 U', the full title was expanded to 'StickLord Episode 1: Tanks 4 U' following the release of the sequel and the reissue of the original on high-definition HD cassette tape. 'T4U', as StickLord fans have affectionately …